Creating a New Email Account Print

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Use the following instructions to create a new email account if you are using our Linux Hosting System.

1. Log into the Billing & Support System at

2. Click on Services, then My Services

3. Locate the hosting plan where you wish to add an email address.  Hosting plans are listed by the package you’ve purchased and your domain name.

4. Click on the Hosting Plan name (NOT the domain name)

5. Under the “Quick Shortcuts” section, locate the Email Accounts icon and click on it.

6. A new window will open showing the actual cPanel hosting control system.

7. The section at the top allows you to create a new email address.

             a)   Enter the mailbox name (the part before the “@” symbol).

             b)   If not already visible, select the desired domain name from the drop-down box.

             c)   Enter your desired password and then repeat it to ensure accuracy.

             d)  (optional) Set a mailbox quota, which is the amount of disk space allowed for this mailbox.

             e)   Click CREATE ACCOUNT


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